% percent
± plus minus | from X to X microns
Micrometer (1μm = 0,001mm | mm)
Conditions Terms of Service
B width
B1 B1 -> see fire protection class B1
daN Dekanewton (1 daN = 10 N | Newton) | 80 daN correspond to 81.55 kg, so approx. 80 kg | Breaking load | MBL
g / m² Grams per square meter
H Height
Kly Kilolengley | The intensity of UV radiation is measured in Kilolengley (kLy), ie in units that express how much energy of UV
radiation falls to one mm³ per year.
km / h kilometers per hour
kN Kilonewton (1 kN = 1,000 N | Newton) | 1 kN corresponds approximately to the weight, which acts on a mass of 100 kg. | Breaking force | tear strength
KS cord strength
L length
l / s / m Air permeability
LC Load capacity
running M. running meter
Ltr. liter
lw left | eg with warning marking
m meter
sqm square meters
m³ cubic meter
mH2O Meter water column | Water tightness
mm³ cubic millimeter
MW mesh size
Ø diameter
Ro. role
rw right | eg with warning marking
s Strength
SF Safe Factor | Safety factor | eg at Big Bag
SWL Safe Working Load | secure workload | eg at Big Bag
VE Packaging Unit
Ws Wall thickness
Material and fabric
Metal aluminum
Ethylene-propylene-diene rubber | Elastomer | Synthetic rubber | This dimensionally stable plastic has a high elasticity, a good chemical and high thermal resistance and high weather and ozone resistance; i.e. excellent resistance to heat, water and water vapor, alkali, mild acid or oxygenated solvents, ozone and sunlight. EPDM components are not recommended for use in contact with gasoline, mineral oil and lubricants as well as hydrocarbon environments. Note: Under load, EPDM products can always be elastically deformed. When exposed to heat, ethylene-propylene-diene rubber does not deform. The material does not melt either. EPDM does not melt, does not weld and is not soluble. The continuous load temperature is between -30 ° C and +120 ° C.
Jute is a pure natural material and is obtained from fibers (natural fibers, vegetable fibers, bast fibers, jute fibers). Jute belongs to the "renewable raw materials" and is completely biodegradable. It rotted very good and fast, is very tear-resistant, can be easily and simply dyed and has a high water absorption capacity. It is 47% water absorbent. Density: 1440 kg / m³ Tensile strength: 430 to 500 N / mm²
Our rubber ropes are made of 100% natural rubber or rubber elasticum (obtained from tree bark). The material is extracted from the milky liquid (latex, latex) of the rubber plants. The large number of rubber threads is bundled by means of a textile sheathing, which usually consists of plastic fibers, and so to different thickness rubber cords.
Plastic polyethylene | Thermoplastic | low density | The tough and ductile soft polyethylene PE-LD has a low density. It is like PE-HD also durable and not naturally biodegradable. It has to be recycled. LD-PE floats in water.
Plastic polyamide | Nylon | Polyamides have a smooth surface, are highly abrasion resistant, have high tensile strength, toughness, rigidity and are unbreakable. They have good chemical resistance. So they are e.g. Resistant to lubricants and fuels at temperatures above 150 ° C. The synthetically produced polyamides (PA) are thermoplastics. PA does not float in water.
Plastic polyethylene | Thermoplastic | Polyolefins | Very stable to chemicals: salt solutions, alkalis, many oils, fats, acids, bases and most inorganic acids do not attack the material, even nail polish remover is sold in polyethene bottles. Furthermore, it has good electrical insulation properties, high toughness, elongation at break and gas permeability, very low water absorption. PE floats in water. The continuous operating temperature is between 80 ° C and 85 ° C, for a short time up to 120 ° C.
Plastic polyester | Hardly stretchy and therefore very resistant to deformation, wrinkle-free, tear-resistant, it also absorbs very little water.
Plastic polypropylene | Thermoplastic | PP has a higher hardness and stiffness than PE-HD and is also more heat resistant. It is dimensionally stable up to over 100 ° C, ie it is characterized by a high friction and heat resistance even at temperatures above 100 ° C and also has excellent tensile strength, temperature resistance, surface hardness, long-term stress and a good elastic recovery. In addition, the material is resistant to numerous solvents and chemicals. Polypropylene is completely recyclable several times and at the end it can be incinerated without residues to form water and CO2. Polypropylene does not contain any further additives, e.g. Plasticizers. Polypropylene does not attack other compounds, even after years. Polypropylene barely charges up static. Benefits: 100% recyclable, reusable, long-lasting or long-lasting, reliable, ultimate protection for the food and beverage industry, environmentally friendly. Note: Use at low temperatures is not recommended as it will be relatively brittle comparatively quickly.
Plastic polyvinyl chloride | Thermoplastic | High durability and durability. By adding different substances, PVC can also be varied in its elasticity. Thus, the addition of plasticizers (eg phthalates) results in supple and flexible soft PVC.
Natural material obtained from fibers (natural fibers, vegetable fibers, cotton fibers). Consists of 100% pure cotton. Cotton is one of the "renewable resources" and is completely biodegradable. Canvas is a dense and strong woven fabric of strong yarn.